A Bag of Cookies: Day 17 #SOL18

Today is day 17 of the month long writing challenge sponsored by Two Writing Teachers.

A Bag of Cookies

or How a Bag of Chocolate Chip Cookies Saved the Day

Anyone that plans professional development knows that the hours before presenting can be stressful and slightly unnerving.  Who is in the audience?  How can I reach everyone despite the vast range of background knowledge and experience? Do I have enough material?  Am I trying to cover too much material? Am I prepared for all the possible questions? And most importantly do I have enough chocolate?  Those were all the questions and concerns I had entering the day yesterday – and concerns that I shared with my daughter the night before.

So when I opened my bag to eat my early – and quick – lunch before presenting and discovered a little baggie of homemade chocolate chip cookies snuck into my sack, I smiled and knew that everything was going to be just fine!

Doesn’t chocolate chip cookies – or any chocolate for that matter – melt away all worries?!

8 Replies to “A Bag of Cookies: Day 17 #SOL18”

  1. That is the sweetest (pretty ‘punny’ I know) story I have read all day! I love that you included the picture of the cookies, Your daughter got the daughter award on that one!

  2. Aw! That is so sweet! Nice to know she was looking out for you. I hope it went well. And a helpful hint for presenters: make sure there are snacks for attendees. It’s amazing how your mindset shifts when you see someone has thought about your needs. I instantly relax a bit when I see something is there for us. When we show up and nothing is there — especially PD after school — it just sets a tone.

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