Peace Moon #SOL20 Day 10/31

It’s the worm moon. The first full moon in March, so called because the ground starts to thaw and the worms make a reappearance, with robins soon to follow. For me, on this record breaking mild evening, the full moon brings more than thoughts of worms, it brings me peace.

I stare at the scene in front of me, moon rising in the sky, shining bright across the lake, while spring breezes blow in the open window. I’m sitting in the dark in my living room trying to hold on to this peace while tension swirls around me: corona virus, political uncertainties, and deadlines to meet. I just want to sit and stare and appreciate the beauty of the evening.

So tonight I’ll call you a peace moon. Shine brightly for me and for us all. For we all need more peace.

I am excited to be writing daily in the March Slice of Life Challenge as hosted by Two Writing Teachers. This marks the fifth year I have participated in the 31 day challenge, writing and sharing a blog post each day.  I look forward to the growth in noticing the small moments in my life and capturing them on my blog.  I know I will be a better teacher of writers because of this work. 

10 Replies to “Peace Moon #SOL20 Day 10/31”

  1. Peace moon is so much more poetic than worm moon! How beautiful is that image, you staring at it and appreciating its beauty as it shines its reflected light on this old troubled world.

  2. This is the first I’ve heard of the worm moon. I love that description; the worms before the robins. Lovely description and thanks for the photo too.

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