Who’s Winning?

I am winning at the December fitness challenge sponsored by my trainer, having the most number of days attending class this month. This may sound like nothing to many of you but for me it’s a huge accomplishment, and one I don’t take lightly. In a year and a half, I have gone from never working out, shy of a fast walk here or there, to beginning each day with some sort of movement class. Three days a week I attend a class outside in a massive parking lot, distanced away from others and wearing a mask. The cold winter air of Massachusetts adds to the challenge of these vigorous morning workouts. The remaining two days a week I am in my small basement connected via Zoom, stretching in yoga like poses.

Why the change? It’s all about the trainer / teacher. I have connected with a physical trainer who values where each person is at, who has a sense of humor, and who knows the strengths and areas of opportunity for each and every student. He makes exercise fun by switching up the routines so that every class is different and lively. He also knows when to encourage me to push myself a little further than I thought possible. He is a teacher extraordinaire.

Whenever I think about his style of teaching I realize that is what all students deserve. Teachers such as these are what makes us all want to strive to be our best and that makes us all winners!

Thank you once again to the wonderful community over at the Two Writing Teachers. You are encouraging me to continue to write and write and write!

7 Replies to “Who’s Winning?”

  1. That connection really does make all the difference, doesn’t it? I am excited for you in this venture, Christine – hope you will keep us posted on how it’s going!

  2. Good for you! I have started working out with my very fit daughter 2-3 times a week. I can now do 45 second planks and 60 burpees in a session. I am NOT fit by any means but I agree that I like the way I feel afterwards…..

  3. Congratulations on your exercise routine and commitment! You sound like it’s made such a positive difference. And, yes, teachers/trainers and their approach that makes it easier to learn/change/move forward deserve our praise. For me personally, and for me as a parent, the teachers that invested in me or our boys as people and got to know us were the best! It takes that personal connection to be a winning teacher, IMO! Thanks for an inspiring post!

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