Oh, The Lies We Tell #SOL21 Day 30/31

The phone lit up with a notification of an incoming FaceTime call at 7pm on Sunday night. It was from my daughter and she was on the couch with her two sons sitting on either side of her. I had barely said hello when the boys started in with the questions.

Bebe, is the Easter bunny hiding eggs at your house or our house on Easter morning?

Oh my house. He knows your cousins Maddie and Grant will be here so he wanted to make one stop.

Do you have a bunny in your yard too?

They spied a bunny running through their yard the other night and started chasing it in hopes with squeals of delight hoping to catch the Easter bunny.

Oh yes, I have three bunnies in my yard.

How do you know which one is the Easter bunny?

Well, I don’t think the Easter bunny lives here.

Where does he live?

Hmmm.. I am not sure. Maybe you could write to him and ask.

How would he get the letter?

You could put it in your mailbox.

How will it get to the bunny?

I am certain the mailman knows where to deliver it.

Does the mailman know where the Easter bunny lives?

Yes, of course he does.

The subject was finally changed, and we eventually hung up the phone. When I got off the phone I said to my daughter

Well that was one big series of lies wasn’t it?

Since then I’ve been informed…

Throughout the month of March I will be participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge with the community of writers over at Two Writing Teachers. Each day I will post a draft of a story detailing a small snippet from my life. This will be my sixth year participating, and each year I marvel at all the small moments I would have missed in my life if not for this challenge. I am grateful to Stacey Shubitz, Betsy Hubbard, Beth Moore, Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski, Melanie Meehan, and Amy Ellerman for hosting this wonderful event!

6 Replies to “Oh, The Lies We Tell #SOL21 Day 30/31”

  1. I love technology! The only problem is that you had to have your “game face” on during the entire call! Your answers added to the excitement and magic of your little ones. Wishing you a Happy Easter with your family!

  2. This is fun! It just reminded me of that delightful stage of childhood and the special relationship between little ones and grands. What lucky kids they were to be on facetime with you and you with them!

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