OH What to Write: Day 21 #SOL18

Today is day 21 of the month long writing challenge sponsored by Two Writing Teachers.

Oh! What to Write

During the slice of life challenge I try to remain open to finding the slices in my life to write about, but today I found myself coming up with nothing.

I looked at my tickler file – nothing inspiring me there

I looked at the padlets posted from slicers – no ideas for me there either

I looked in my writing notebook – all topics seem drab

What is wrong with me that I can’t write?

Is it writer’s block?

I am not sure I believe there is such a thing, rather there is what I called too much emotional stuff in the way of writing.

That’s what I am experiencing right now.

Stuff so deep and personal that it interferes with much of my thinking, breathing, and living.

How can I write when I am in this state?

How can anyone write when they are in this state?

Just keep the fingers moving I guess – and hope that something will come of it.

Like this post – that took less than 5 minutes just now to type

A post that has given me increased empathy for those students who at times may be experiencing emotional blocks like I am right now.

So maybe I my words have some sort of meaning afterall!

6 Replies to “OH What to Write: Day 21 #SOL18”

  1. I try to keep a list of writing ideas for those days inspiration just doesn’t come. The struggle is real, though!!!

  2. I agree. My last few posts have been very much about something very non-meaningful to me because I have a lot of things swirling around in my brain, emotionally. I may not be addressing them in the blog, but writing something is keeping me going. In practice. Moving forward a bit. I think that’s the right step.

  3. Completely — and it is still writing. Process over product — for us and for our students!!

  4. This post resonates with me, too. Some emotional stuff is too private to share on this public forum, even though I know writing about it would probably be cathartic. It can get in the way of a daily writing habit!

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