Letter Day

It’s Slice of Life Tuesday over at Two Writing Teachers and I’m joining in with my slice of life story. Won’t you consider joining in?

Letter Day

The day was dark and damp with a fog so thick you could cut it with a knife.  I had spent the better portion of the morning working on curriculum writing, a task that I had procrastinated several times over the course of the summer due to the lake waters calling my name.  But today was the perfect gloomy day for working. And with it being August 13th, I knew I had to get moving and slowly ease myself back into school mode because I still had plenty of time left to enjoy the warmth of the late summer lake.  Until the mail arrived…

I dodged the raindrops and puddles and opened the mailbox door and peeked in.  My heart sunk. There it sat at the bottom of the silver box damp, limp, alone, and foreboding: my back to school letter.

It was expected, but then again not quite expected, at least not today.  It arrives this time every year, and each time it surprises me with it’s seemingly early arrival.  And while I love everything about being back in school: the return to routines, the crispness of the air, the smiles of the staff, the sharing of books read with friends,  the promise of plans made, and the freshness of new ideas to try out, all of this and more, the letter still signifies the end of summer fun.  It still comes as a surprise, like a thief in the night stealing away the last remaining days of freedom.  Oh well… I’m glad it came today on this yucky weather day!

5 Replies to “Letter Day”

  1. While not dreading school return, like you I’m savoring shorts, walks, lingering over reading I’m holding tightly onto a few more days of solitude. My year will be better for it.

  2. Such a vivid account of trying to get into the mode, and the sinking feeling of getting that letter despite your being a truly optimistic person! I am clinging to these last hours of summer as much as I did when I was a child. Maybe it’s conditioning. I think it’s more of a knowing just how much of us the daily grind will take … but we always hit our flow. Strength to you – I enjoyed this very real slice of truth.

  3. I could relate to this post so well. We just got our back-to-school e-mail from the superintendent with information about the first professional days. I really like how you slowed time down in that second paragraph. There’s such a mix of emotions at this time of year and you captured that so well with your post. The Aug. 13th date was a big wake-up call for me yesterday as well and I was also thankful for less than stellar weather to mute the lure of the outdoors!

  4. I know that feeling all too well; I head back even before the letter arrives (librarians are on an extended calendar), and I know many teachers who do the same, just to set up their classrooms. I hope you are able to put the letter aside and enjoy these last few days–even with the rain!

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