Publishing Gratitude #SOL19 Day 19/31

I am once again participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge for the month of March.  This is the fourth year I have joined the community of writers over at Two Writing Teachers in taking up this challenge of writing for 31 consecutive days.  I know it will be hard work but the growth will be immeasurable. Follow along!

Publishing Gratitude

This weekend I posted a slice about my grandson and his declaration of his love for the grandfather he never met (My Papa Dave). The small moment was easy to write with words flowing right on to the page. It was difficult however to press the publish button as I judged I was putting myself out there. I was becoming a little more vulnerable with the slicing community and I worried about the reactions. I wasn’t writing this story looking for sympathy or attention, rather I wrote this deeply moving slice of life story because it needed to come out from its hiding place deep from within.

It was risky to press that publish button on Sunday morning knowing that I had put my heart and soul out there. The comments came almost instantly and just as fast as those comments appeared, my fears disappeared. This community supported me with affirming and kind words, and even virtual hugs. I was amazed and overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude as I thought about belonging to such a caring community.

Yesterday I read a post from Clare Landrigan with words that struck a chord with me. She wrote, “But when you give yourself to it (your writing), without worry of other’s opinions, it is such a gift.” While I hesitated to publish this slice, I realize now it was indeed a gift. Capturing this moment on paper allows for my story to live on forever in the hopes that someday my grandson will have a greater understanding of the words spoken that day. In writing this story I was gifted with the reminder that writing is cathartic, and has the power to heal the soul when released. I am free to enjoy and appreciate this story now that it is put down in paper. Finally posting this slice reminded me of the wonderfully supportive and caring writers that make up the Two Writing Teachers community. I have indeed been triply gifted with the writing and publishing of this story. I feel honored to be welcomed into this community and hope to meet you all someday to thank you with a real hug.

7 Replies to “Publishing Gratitude #SOL19 Day 19/31”

  1. I’m going back and reading your slice from Sunday now, but before I do that, I love your reflections. It really is a community, and I always look forward to connecting and reconnecting in March!

  2. Such a deep and emotional reflection. Beautiful writing. I think that the more vulnerable you dare to be as writer the more powerful the writing is, mostly for yourself and usually for others.

  3. Like you, I have been amazed by the exclusively supportive comments of this community. People either say something kind, or they say nothing at all. I did not think that this was possible on the Internet, where an anonymous person could write anything, as negative as could be, without harsh consequences. This site makes me hopeful.

  4. I have been fortunate to have met many slicers in real life. It brings this community full circle, and I hope this happens for you too. Writing does have healing power, among many other powers. Thank you for sharing today.

  5. This community saw me through one of the toughest times in my life – the death of my father, caring for my mom who didn’t know me and then the passing of my mom. I could not have done without them. I am so glad you pushed the button and shared your story. It will live on in all of us. We NEED to make a time to meet – we are so close to each other – real hug would be easy!! Thank you for honoring my words in your slice today.

  6. The slicing community is such a lovely group. Over the past ten years, I have shared so many really vulnerable moments from my life, and people have always been so kind and so encouraging. I’m glad you are finding that same place of warmth and safety here.

  7. I don’t know how I missed your Papa Dave slice but went back and reread it. My daughter never met my dad and I asked her what she would call him and she calls him Poppie. Never guessed he’d be called Poppie but that’s the name she gave him. And I couldn’t agree more. Writing helps heal and is scary to put it out there at the same time. I’ve always felt so safe and cared for in this writing community. Thank you for sharing!

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