Opening My Heart #SOL20 Day 30/31

Opening My Heart

Edward knew what it was like to say over and over again the names of those you had left behind. He knew what it was like to miss someone. And so he listened. And in his listening, his heart opened wide and then wider still. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo.

The quote hit me hard this afternoon with my eyes tearing up immediately – again! I came across these words this afternoon scribbled out in my reading journal. I started to think about all those who I had left behind. and now miss. Throughout this worldwide pandemic I have been having imaginary conversations with them, wondering what words of advice they would give me.

Mom: “Waste not, want not.” Mom was a product of the great depression where items were rationed. She lived on molasses sandwiches and war cake, made with items that were readily available during the war. I have a greater appreciation for all those fast food ketchup packets you left in your refrigerator for years.

Dad: “Yesterday… all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they’re here to stay, oh I believe in yesterday.” My dad loved to sing this song. And while the lyrics sound depressing, his voice is ringing in my ear and putting a warm smile on my face. I think about his joy of singing and how music always brought us through tough times.Yes, yesterday all our troubles were far away, but I do believe that we will sing our way through it!

Butsy: “Stay still, I need to capture this picture!” My aunt Ruth, nicknamed Butsy, loved to take photos. She wanted to record history and memories all the time. I am carrying on your tradition of capturing the moments of this event by writing daily in this challenge.

Dave: “It’s useless anxiety” Dave, my husband, would always be there to listen to my concerns, but then reminded me that most of my worries were useless because I could not control them. My need to control the situation would dissipate with a bear hug to remind me that all would be fine. Oh how I need your hug right now, but I can hear you whispering in my ear: useless anxiety.

I know what it is like to miss someone. And so I will listen. And in listening, my heart will open wide and then wider still.


I am excited to be writing daily in the March Slice of Life Challenge as hosted by Two Writing Teachers. This marks the fifth year I have participated in the 31 day challenge, writing and sharing a blog post each day.  I look forward to the growth in noticing the small moments in my life and capturing them on my blog.  I know I will be a better teacher of writers because of this work. 

5 Replies to “Opening My Heart #SOL20 Day 30/31”

  1. This is one of my favorite books. I don’t think I can read it too many times and it works for any age group. There are so many things we can learn from Edward’s journey. Thanks for sharing your post today!

  2. It is clear you have loved so deeply and learned so much from some very dear people in your life. My heart hurts for you as you are missing them today (and every day) I love that you share these memories in words…and so we listen. And in our listening, our hearts opened wide and then wider still.
    You’ve opened my heart wide today.

  3. This is beautiful! Kate DiCamillo inspired me tonight too. I am sorry you are missing so many people you love.

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